Next generation of valuation under IFRS 17

The IFRS 17 regulation has introduced significant changes in the way insurance companies account for their contracts. This is a major pain for reporting – and becomes even bigger issue for financial planning and transaction valuation which requires speed and flexibility when it comes to allocating resources & capital. We have a solution for you.

Our experience from working on the digital transformation at one of the worlds largest reinsurers helps us understand the challenges insurers face when it comes to IFRS 17.

That's why we have developed a powerful engine that can take your contract information, including expected premiums, claims, commissions and expenses, and calculate the financial performance metrics for you. Our engine can handle complex actuarial assumptions and ensure compliance with IFRS 17.

Create and run simulations in only minutes
Provide extract-transform-load (ETL) services & integrate with your infrastructure
Not constrained by data volume limitations
Interactive documentation and explanations

How does it work?

Source huge data quantities from all your sources.

What are the benefits?

  • Value transactions with ease:: With our tool you can set up and run simulations within minutes, making it an essential tool for FP&A activities and assessing transactions. That allows you to easily test different scenarios and make informed decisions about your business.
  • Understand the financials: Our model is not constrained by data volume limitations. Not only are the simulation results explained step-by-step but also allow you to navigate your business from high-level portfolios all the way down to individual contracts.
  • Adapt to your data: Data can come in all shapes and sizes. That's why we offer extract-transform-load (ETL) services to our clients. We work with whatever data is available and can help you to bring it to the required level of granularity, ensuring that you get the most out of our IFRS 17 engine.
  • Leverage existing infrastructure: You have a preferred dashboarding solution? You would like the data to be written to your ledger? No problem - our modular solution allows you to use whatever components you need and leaves the rest to your tried and tested system landscape.

Don't let your IFRS 17 transformation weigh you down. Let our IFRS 17 engine help you make informed decisions for your business.